Three versions of the ending

This explores how the ending for the play, Everbody Comes To Rick's compares to two different drafts of the ending for the movie, Casablanca. We display these versions side by side in three containers. Mainly the three scripts are distinctly different, but in the rare occasions that the two Casablanca movie scripts are the same, they are shown to span together across the right-hand side of the screen.

Play: Everybody Comes to Rick's

This is the original stage play on which the movie Casablanca was based. In the PDF photo facsimile provided by the Internet Archive at this web resource and other locations including this web resource, the information that this is the original source of Casablanca is marked digitally in a red box.


There is a print address on the script reading: WHARTON & GABEL, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York. LA 4-8335

We also see a handwritten address on the bottom right reading: Writer’s Guild of America 22 West 48th St. New York 36, N.Y.

Casablanca Movie Script in 77 Scenes

This version is the basis for our reading view. This is an undated script that we found on this web resource that has numbered scenes up to 77. It is uncertain whether this script comes before or after the dated June 1, 1942 script.

Casablanca Movie Script in 285 Scenes, June 6, 1942.

This is a screenplay of unknown provenience that we found at this web resource and has numbered scenes up to 285. It appears also appears to be a better photo facsimile but the same copy as the 1942 script archived on Script slug at this web resource.

Sam who sees the gun and stops Whut's de trouble, boss? Rick No trouble, Sam. The Captain and I want to hear a little music. Get over to the piano, but take care when you step across the line of fire. Sam perplexed, but obeyingYassuh. Rinaldo May I go now? I do not wish to listen to music, Rick No. Rinaldo But this is absurd. They have left. There is no reason for holding me here. Rick Just for a little while, Luis. There's still the telephone! Rick Cont The RABBIT has seated himself at piano and starts to improvise rather softly Louder, and faster, Sam. Make it hot. The RABBIT increases the tempo, swinging very loud and fast. Music swells, gets wilder Rinaldo Hysterically Must you play! Rick Keep playing, Sam. The RABBIT obeys, and suddenly the sound of a plane motor cuts across the noise of piano. Both RICK and RINALDO look up. The music stops Rinaldo The Lisbon plane. Rick And that lets you out. Before either of them can move, the door bursts open and STRASSER rushes in. He is in a towering rage Strasser You imbecile! You stupid swine! They're gone! They were on that plane! Rinaldo I know it. Strasser And your fine neutral here. He's responsible. Then he sees the gun and checks. RICK takes the gun and points it very deliberately at Strasser Rick At the present moment, I am debating very seriously with myself the question of killing you. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't except -- that I have never killed a man. He throws the gun contemptuously on table. STRASSER leaps for it and covers Rick. Strasser You are under arrest. Rick Coolly Not really. He rises slowly. The RABBIT watches him with agonized eyes Strasser I am waiting. Rick Starts walking slowly towards door So long, Sam. I'd go over to the Blue Parrot, if I were you As he passes Rinaldo, who has not moved Rinaldo Why did you do it, Rick? Rick Pausing For the folding money, Luis, for the folding money. You owe me five thousand francs. RICK walks out with STRASSER as the CURTAIN FALLS
Strasser watches the plane in agony. His eyes dart towards the telephone. He runs toward it and desperately grabs the receiver.
MED. SHOT - NEAR HANGARStrasser watches the plane in agony. His eyes dart toward the telephone.
CLOSE SHOT - RENAULTHe watches fascinated.
MED. SHOT - RICK AND STRASSERStrasser runs toward the telephone.
STRASSER Hello? RICK Put that phone down! STRASSER Get me the Radio Tower! RICK Put it down!
CLOSE SHOT - AT TELEPHONEStrasser desperately grasps the receiver.
STRASSER into phoneHello... Hello... RICK'S VOICE over scenePut that phone down! STRASSER into phone Get me the Radio Tower.
Strasser, one hand holding the receiver, pulls out a pistol with the other hand, and SHOOTS quickly at Rick. The bullet misses its mark. Rick now SHOOTS at Strasser, who crumples to the ground.
At the sound of an approaching car both men turn. A police car SPEEDS in and comes to a stop near Renault. Four gendarmes hurriedly jump out. In the distance the plane turns onto the runway. The gendarmes run to Renault. The first one hurriedly salutes him.
MED. SHOT - RICK AND RENAULTRenault continues to stare off scene. Rick watches upward, as the SOUND of the plane becomes fainter.
LONG SHOT - SKYThe Transport grows smaller in the distance.
Rick continues to stare aloft. At the SOUND of a car approaching, both men turn.
LONG SHOT - A POLICE CARspeeds in and comes to a stop near Renault. Four police hurriedly alight.
CLOSE SHOT - RENAULTlooking at Rick.
as he returns Renault's gaze. His eyes are expressionless.
FULL SHOTThe gendarmes run to Renault. Renault returns to them.
GENDARME Mon Capitaine!
RENAULT Major Strasser's been shot. Renault pauses and looks at Rick. Rick returns Renault's gaze with expressionless eyes. RENAULT Round up the usual suspects. GENDARME Oui, mon Capitaine. The gendarmes take Strasser's body away and then drive off. Renault walks inside the hangar, picks up a bottle of Vichy water, and opens it.
RENAULT Major Strasser has been shot.pauses as he looks at Rick, then to the gendarmesRound up the usual suspects... GENDARME salutingYes, Captain. He leads the other gendarmes off. The two men look at one another.
RENAULT Well, Rick, you're not only a sentimentalist, but you've become a patriot.
RICK Maybe, but it seemed like a good time to start.
RENAULT I think perhaps you're right.
As he pours the water into a glass, Renault sees the Vichy label and quickly DROPS the bottle into a trash basket which he then KICKS over. He walks over and stands beside Rick. They both watch the plane take off, maintaining their gaze until it disappears into the clouds. Rick and Louis slowly walk away from the hangar toward the runway.
RENAULT It might be a good idea for you to disappear from Casablanca for a while. There's a Free French garrison over at Brazzaville. I could be induced to arrange a passage.
RENAULT lights a cigaretteIt might be just as well for you to disappear from Casablanca. I understand there's a Free French garrison over at Bravvaville. I might be induced to arrange your passage.
RICK My letter of transit? I could use a trip. But it doesn't make any difference about our bet. You still owe me ten thousand francs.
RICK smilesMy Letter of Transit? his eyes following the plane, which is now receding into the distanceI could use a trip... But it doesn't make any difference about our bet, you still owe me the ten thousand francs.
RENAULT And that ten thousand francs should pay our expenses.
RICK Our expenses?
RICK Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
The two walk off together into the night.